My Submission
"Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart..." -- William Wordsworth
For myself as well as others, writing is a way of releasing those things we have held tight inside for too long. It is also a way to share what we feel with those around us.
I hope this section of the site will make you think. Not only about the things they can see, but the things they cant.
To see what is visible, is easy. To see that which lies beneath the surface, in ourselves is tough.
To see it in others seems impossible at times, but if you open your mind, and your heart, it becomes VERY possible.
Included in this sight are writings I have collected over time. Those which spoke to me, either of myself, or of others.
I hope they speak to you also.....
Fear--"As a child fears the darkness ~ a submissive fears the empty void a Master may create."
Balance--"The eyes see things that are not there...make connections that do not exist...and bring fear when there
is no need..."
Strength--"Strength is looking yourself in the mirror, and liking what you see."
Respect--"Respect means no lies between us. Respect means no betrayal of confidence.
Courage--"I have the courage to...Honor my own needs..."
Worth--"...the best way to keep love is to give it wings..."
© 1999 karen
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