My Submission

"It is this sharing that begins the cycle of power ... and establishes the dynamics of the power exchange"

Domination.... What does this word mean? What does it represent? Why does it elicit excitement in some and repulsion in others? How do we come to understand what true Domination is ... and why do we seek a concrete definition for this most maligned and often misunderstood personality trait?
In My journey through this world of D/s I have seen many varieties of Dominants. These range from the absolute subtle to the most outrageous ... from the soft spoken, well disciplined, gentle Dominant to the loud, boisterous most strict Dominant. I have experienced contacts with many, from the undereducated personality to the sophisticated academic and all types in between. Interestingly, all have self perceived notions of their Dominance which differ for the most part from that which we observe ... there is a perfect smorgasbord of intellect and confidence ... and a bounty of disenchantment, illusion and frustration among us.
I observe Dominance from a Male perspective ... given that I am Male. I also observe Dominance as an outsider, per se, in that I have many Female Dominants for whom I have the utmost Respect and Admiration. This being the case, I can speak to issues concerning Dominance from a gender neutral position as Dominance crosses the gender barrier and touches all who embrace this lifestyle from the Top ... and all of us from both sexes who assume this most reverent and important responsibility without hesitation or reservation.
I am a gentle Dominant... I walk softly ... speak in prose ... and am quick to listen, learn and digest slowly that which I see. My Dominance resides within My heart and is reflected through the language of My soul. My Sensuality was born of a strength of character... a quiet confidence instilled years ago, tested under fire and tempered by good fortune... I am fortunate for I found a partner in My lady and married her many years ago. It was she who was willing to join Me in this life and beyond ... and to whom I owe everything I am today for it was her tiny hand which led Me here ... and opened the door to My Dominance which had been lying dormant for four decades.
My Dominance is reflected in My passion for understanding the deep personal desires of My submissive and the immense courage this most precious woman commands. The inner fortitude it took for her to overcome tremendous personal fear of rejection and ridicule and come to Me in an expression of love to explain her submissive nature in the context of this, our lifestyle. It speaks volumes to her commitment to D/s as well as our evolution from a 'vanilla' couple to a Dominant and submissive couple within the already established parameters of a marriage, complete with mortgage, kid, a bird named Charlie and three dogs.
We work on all things together, D/s taking an active role in our daily life. To call ourselves 24/7 would be a lie, although certainly our mindset has reached this point to date.
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